Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Jeremy doing okay, sort of

Well, it hit with full force about 4 this morning. Don't remember the actual time, may have been later than that I was trying to sleep. I hadn't even taken my night time meds until 2 b/c I wasn't tired and was busy with graph paper and pencil trying to figure out a design I want to try to crochet today.

Jeremy finally fell asleep a couple hours later and has been asleep for about 6 hours. I let girls out and they whined and begged to go back upstairs with Jeremy. Hopefully they don't wake him up, unless he sugar numbers fall. I know I can count of them to watch that for me. They are so good to us. Too bad they can't cook and clean the house. Guess that's asking too much from dogs, should be happy they keep track of what they do.

I ran to the pharmacy to pick up Jeremy's med and a couple groceries. Also got to CCMH for samples. That will get us thru until his appointment on the 13th.

May 13th. Our anniversary. Five years. The best and the hardest even at the same time.

It is so hard to see Jeremy suffering, hopefully this will be the of a new start. He was talking about gastric bypass before this, I know he's more serious about his diabetes. The closer eye he keeps on his sugar numbers the less pain in his feet and hands.

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