Sunday, September 6, 2009

Friday we went to Jeremy's doctor appointment and the nurse took his vitals, the doc came in and sent him over to the ER. ER kept him for a few hours waiting for test results then sent him over to Acute and he stayed the night.

I did not like having him there. It's one thing to have him sleeping upstairs while I'm downstairs or me sleeping upstairs and him downstairs AND a completely different thing having him not here at all.

I got a good taste of what it would be like if he actually did die AND I REALLY DON'T LIKE IT! It's good incentive to keep on the diet plan that we've started the other day.

The animals didn't like it either. Begherra kept looking out the window for him and Katie went from room to room looking for him.

And I realized something today. Begherra came to see if I was a 'bergular' today. He didn't do that when Jeremy wasn't here. It's part of his way of protecting Jeremy.

It's funny how the animals all have their different ways of taking care of him. Sweet Pea snuggles with him. Tracey sits with him when he's on the toilet and gives him kisses. Katey pretty much ignores him unless his sugar is off and she pesters him then. Begherra protects him from 'bergulars' and Nermal just plain ignores him completely unless she's cold and wants to snuggle to get warm.

Okay, I'm off to bed. Time to snuggle and get some good shut eye before someone has out to "oot and aboot" or I need to make something eat for Jeremy.

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