Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I'm cranky, deal with it.

We got the call from Joe today. He couldn't get the part to work. So he can't get the truck into 4WD. Okay, so now it's in 2H. At least it works.

When Jeremy sits next to me on the couch he always tucks his hand under my butt. Why? Who knows. I've stopped trying to figure it out. I am however expecting one of these days to break his wrist, b/c well, I can see it happening. Okay, so last night I said, you know I may have to fart. And for whatever reason, he thought I already had and now he's still mad b/c I farted on his hand, I only wish I did b/c it was so funny getting his reaction. This sort of goes with along with the Modern Marvels Bathroom Tech. It WAS his left hand.

So, have you given any thought to what you were going to make for supper? Really, he's asking "what's for supper?" Right? He's telling me he didn't ask. I wish for one day I wouldn't be asked that question.

So I don't have any trouble with my thyroid. I'm going to have to check out what I can find online. There's got to be something somewhere

Hey get this, I just rendered him speechless. He said, Um huny I have and idea for supper. And I asked, So what are you going to cook for yourself? And he was speachless for a full 30 seconds. He claims he wasn't speechless, he says he was 'thinking on my feet.' Actually he was thinking on his ass. Too cool, I'm going to have to remember this. Earlier today I threatened to Polygrip this lips together. I happen to have first hand knowledge that it can stick lips together pretty good. I had a resident who always accused me of glueing her lips together. What would happen is she would get a little on her lips while she put her dentures in and sure enough, stuck together they would be. I was on the phone with Ben and he said why don't you just tie his hands b/c he can't talk with out moving his hands. That had him speachless too. He was thinking about talking w/o his hands and that short circuited him too. He couldn't talk.

Good thing I love him!

Oh hey, we were watching Glenn Beck and he showed 'highlights' of the first 100 days of Obama ruining the world. One of the things he showed was Obama messing up when he took his oath. Of course he screwed it up, he wasn't using a teleprompter!

Okay, I'm getting really pissed off at the TV news showing Mexicans wearing masks and not putting them over their nose. What the do those people think they are doing?

Okay, so this post has completely pissed off alot of people. Oh well. I'm cranky, deal with it.

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