Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Doctor, Truck and Bathroom Tech

Modern Marvels has some of the most interesting tv shows. The show I'm watching now is Bathroom Tech. It doesn't sound like it would be the most interesting subject, but it is. And the narator is using a lot of puns, dry humor but what do you expect when discussing bathrooms?

Here's a few things I've learned just with in the last hour.
* In many primitive countries where paper is at a premium, people use their LEFT hand to wipe. People there are right handed b/c the left hand is considered unclean. I would consider it unclean too if I lived there too. I'm thinking that maybe this is where the custom of shaking with the RIGHT hand comes from.
*Americans invented the out house. Yeah us! Before this people used an indoor sort of out house and they had to hire people to muck it out every night. YUCK!!!
*DuPont invented nylon for toothbrush bristles.
*Toilets are hand sanded, even today.
*Sheffield is the oldest tooth paste tube. Colgate soon followed and is more well known.
*Romans used urine to whiten teeth. That is the original teeth whitener. I will also remember THIS when I see people with teeth that are whiter than natural, you know, some people's white teeth or so white they glow and are unnaturally white.

Still haven't heard from Joe about the truck. I called his shop and only answering machine. Will call him tomorrow to see what's up with the truck.

Jeremy and I both saw the Dr Hayes today again. He didn't do much for me last week, so blood work was done and I will hear soon what's up. Jeremy's doing better w/o his pain meds and doubled his new med and we will get more in the next few days.

Jeremy & I had an in depth discussion about loosing baby teeth and wiggling them with our tongue and twirling them while they were still attached. And Jeremy has fond memories of the tooth fairy leaving money wrapped in a cigarette pack under his pillow.

I will keep this bathroom history in mind when I'm at work tomorrow. For quite a while I've been calling the bathrooms at work 'my office.' If an office is where you do most of your work, the bathroom, sadly I must say, is my office.

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