Thursday, July 30, 2009
One of the men that Greta interview after the press conference of Sgt Crowley brought up an interesting point. The whole beer summit is another diversion. In one hour Obama said that doctors are thieves (he sited the doctor who was doing unnecessary tonsillectomies) and after saying that he didn't know about what happened that the police acted stupidly. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! And turns out they DIDN'T act stupidly. Someone talking about what he didn't know and giving a strong opinion on what he doesn't know anything about is THE DEFINITION of acting stupidly. Turns out that Obama isn't alone thou. I work with people who do the same thing ALL the time. They aren't there, don't know the variables, most importantly they don't ask, just go on and on to anyone who will listen.
The weather man was WRONG, and we didn't go rock hunting. On a good note we hit Vinnies and made out like bandits. Jeremy got a boat load of Louis and I got a few really good books about sewing and crochet. There's a knitting pattern that I can turn into crochet for 'snuggy' type throw that I've been trying to perfect on my own. I also got more of the yarn from Pamida. Guess when they discontinue something I shouldn't give up hope of ever seeing it there again b/c I bought them out when they were clearance priced and have been back three more time and bought out three more times.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
The last three times I've eaten/taken my meds I've had stomach aches afterward. The top part of my stomach.
And my nerves are shooting pains in various spots. Mainly in my inner right knee, but also my right foot and my left arm is doing the tooth aching thing in the ulna nerve again.
Don't know what's related and what's not, but am going to keep track of these things so maybe at some point I can figure out what's up with me.
Friday, July 24, 2009
It's been a weird day. I had yesterday off and slept like I would normally to go to work. Had to be up for 1:30 for a Dr appointment for Jeremy.
I would have to say the Dr is proving to be more and more of a quack. He welcomed us into the room and said "Good to see you Jerry." Jeremy was really good about it, said, "It's Jeremy, my name's Jeremy." The Dr back peddled and apologized. Jeremy did good not to tell the guy off. During the whole appointment he talked to me and not Jeremy. And he went over non-important things. He went on & on me having trouble getting his meds. I actually had to redirect him!
Mom called today. Of course they wanted rent. She was good about it when I told her we didnt' have it right now. Dad wants us to buy the house. The tax credit would be for $2,000 tops. Don't know if it would be worth it right now. I told Dad not to get all excited about us buying it b/c we had to pay off the truck first and that wasn't until next spring. Mom tried to press us to figure out a way to do it still this year so we could use the tax credit. She thought it was a flat $8,000. It's 10% or the value of the house up to $8,000. So that will give us a bit of help but not a whole lot. Have to still figure out what we are going to do. Do want to buy it, and it would be nice to get a loan for more to fix the roof, the front steps and add a back porch.
Other things I've learned today:
*Mom's loosing weight. 25# so far. That's really good, I have got to start working on that too.
*Ben is down visiting Cari. Will be there for another 3 weeks or so.
*Dad and Uncle Frank almost needed a search and rescue team to find them out at the Old Choate Logging Town. Actually the problem was they didn't make it there, got lost and really got turned around in the woods. Apparently he didn't remember to bring his compass but remembered his cell phone. Two, no three things.
1) Dad DIDN'T bring his compass? That's the first thing needed when going into the woods.
2) Cell phone? Dad? ???
3) Didn't he learn anything from his last attempt to go fishing there? They didn't last long that time either. He burned his shirt, fell in the river, brought cornmeal instead of powedered egg.
*Mom & Dad have internet on their computer and Ben's lap top. Mom says they aren't using their computer, but give it time, Cari will have her playing Farkle and Farmville on Facebook next time they come visiting.
*Camp-Out is mid August. We won't sleep there, but will most likely be able to visit.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
What's with all the killing sprees lately?
8 am, 54 degrees. There are little tomatoes on our tomato plants that are sitting on the front steps. I really didn't think that we'd see much out of them. May still not get anything, if the dogs get to them, but they seem not to even notice them.
No Sprint race today. KY won again last night. I don't even know why I bother to look up the races if I miss them. I should just assume that he won. I did remember to ask for Homestead off. I took Saturday 7 am to Monday 10 pm off.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
So today's another stay at home day. I will do laundry and I have got to mow the lawn. Should go start that and get it over with. I also paid bills. Whooowhooo. At least they are paid. And we have enough $$$ for gas and groceries.
Nothing much else is new here. I'm really trying to put off moving, should get going so that I can be back for AMC & OLTL.
Okay, getting off my butt and moving. SLOWLY, BUT MOVING.
NASCAR: Mayfield again tests positive for meth
By JENNA FRYER AP Auto Racing Writer
Jeremy Mayfield tested positive again for methamphetamine, NASCAR said, igniting another round of denials from the driver, who angrily accused the sanctioning body of paying his stepmother to lie about his alleged past drug use.
The positive result from a July 6 random test was included in a U.S. District Court filing Wednesday that asked the federal judge who lifted Mayfield’s drug suspension to reinstate the ban. The filing included an affidavit from Mayfield’s stepmother, Lisa, who said she witnessed the driver using methamphetamine at least 30 times over seven years.
“I don’t trust anything NASCAR does, anything Dr. David Black does, never have, never will,” Mayfield told The Associated Press in a phone interview. Black is the administrator for NASCAR’s drug-testing program.
“And they picked the wrong woman to use against me because that (expletive) is trash and has got nothing on me but lies.”
According to documents, Lisa Mayfield said she first saw the driver use meth in 1998 at a race shop in Mooresville, N.C. She said Mayfield cooked his own drugs until the ingredient pseudoephedrine was taken off the shelves and it became too difficult for Mayfield to obtain the ingredients. She said her stepson then began to purchase meth from others.
“Between 1998 and 2005, I am personally aware that Jeremy used methamphetamines often,” she said in her affidavit. “I was concerned about his heavy use and talked to his father about it. I saw Jeremy use methamphetamine by snorting it up his nose at least 30 times during the 7 years I was around him. Jeremy used methamphetamine not only in my presence, but also when we were both in the presence of others.”
Mayfield contested his stepmother’s account.
“She’s tried everything she can do to get money out of me. I won’t help her, so I guess she found a way to get money from NASCAR by giving them an affidavit full of lies,” he said.
Mayfield was suspended May 9 for failing a random drug test conducted eight days earlier. NASCAR later said he tested positive for methamphetamine.
He sued, and U.S. District Court Judge Graham Mullen issued an injunction July 1 that allowed Mayfield to return to competition. Mullen based his decision on Mayfield’s argument that the testing system is flawed and there was a reasonable likelihood of a false positive. He also gave NASCAR the right to test Mayfield at any time.
NASCAR did just that five days later at Mayfield’s home and said in its filings that the “A” sample had levels of methamphetamine consistent with habitual users who consume high doses.
“My only comment is that’s their result,” Mayfield attorney John Buric said. “But what I want you to keep in mind is that test was performed by the defendants in the case. Aegis Laboratories and Dr. Black are defendants in this case. I don’t know if NASCAR has the right to ask the defendant to test Jeremy’s urine sample. It ought to be done independently, but NASCAR didn’t do that.”
On July 6, Mayfield also had a second test at a lab chosen by his attorneys. Buric said that test came back negative but was sent back to the lab Wednesday for “reconfirmation” after the NASCAR test results were received.
The filing also claims Mayfield and his attorneys have failed to select a qualified laboratory to test the backup “B” sample. Buric acknowledged the two sides are still haggling over a lab for the “B” sample and said NASCAR rejected the lab they picked.
Lisa Mayfield said her stepson told her he used meth before a season-ending NASCAR awards ceremony while driving for Ray Evernham. She also said Mayfield used meth during a 1999 trip to Myrtle Beach that preceded a race at nearby Darlington Raceway.
“We left Myrtle Beach and traveled to Darlington for the race,” she wrote. “I saw Jeremy using methamphetamine again when we reached Darlington.”
Mayfield said all of Lisa Mayfield’s claims were lies based on being monetarily cut off following her husband’s 2007 death.
“She don’t deserve the Mayfield name,” he said. “She’s hated me since my dad got killed because I won’t give her any money. She goes on the Internet and blogs lies about me and Shana (his wife) and everything you can imagine. She’s broke, and I guess she got NASCAR to give her some money.”
Mayfield also said he has independently been tested at least six times since his failed May 1 test, and all came back negative.
Meantime, Mayfield’s lawyers filed their response Wednesday to NASCAR’s motion last week to overturn Mullen’s injunction.
The brief, which didn’t include the results of Mayfield’s latest drug case, argued NASCAR was trying to “fashion the rules to their liking” by not meeting the requirements needed to overturn the ruling. Mayfield’s lawyers argued Mullen had correctly ruled that Mayfield faced irreparable harm from a suspension and doubts remain about the accuracy of NASCAR’s testing policy.
“NASCAR is absolutely corrupted by power, and its untenable motion to stay should be denied,” his lawyers wrote."
I copied and pasted this from Yahoo Sports News. I find this quote very interesting: levels of methamphetamine consistent with habitual users who consume high doses. It's also intresting that Mayfield isn't outright denying the results of the test, he's too busy bashing his Step-Mother.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Worked last night, should go to bed but am not tired yet. Will probably just sleep on the couch until Jeremy comes downstairs. Otherwise I won't get up and get his insulin and he really really needs me to pick it up for him now.
Went shopping today. Should never go shopping when I'm hungry and don't feel like cooking. Got a lot of stuff and most of it's ready to go right now. Good for me, bad for the salt content.
John Holdren ~ Science Czar. Scary guy Laura Ingram was just talking about him on Fox and Friends. He supports population control, taking babies from teenage mothers, and forced sterilization. Are we living in China? Maybe soon.
Work, well, let's just say it's work. Can't wait for the meeting on Wednesday. Should be some interesting stuff going on. Better be! Probably won't be, should be though. Cryptic I know, can't go into details, I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you!
Katey's looking at me like, okay, anytime now, let's shut off the tv, get off the computer, feed the cats and go to bed. Well at I'll feed the cat that's a start.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Another nice day. High 60's, sunny. I should mow the lawn, but will wait another day.
I've restarted my pink camo snuggie like wrap. I'm still trying to figure out the arm thing. I have a couple ideas will make one of them work.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Will work on getting all the stuff together so when the time comes we can just grab the stuff and be ready to go.
I'm going to work on catching up on the shows I haven't watched in a while. Watching Royal Pains now and will check out what else I've missed lately. And I've also heard that the Weeds is supposed to be funny too, will see if I can find it.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Marcus' baby shower is today. I'm too tired to go and really don't feel like attending a baby shower. Not in that good of a mood to play baby shower games and ohh and ahh over baby gifts. Would like to see the Leah & Marcus and Amanda and Orion will be there too would like to see them. I'm sure I will see them all at the KH sometime in the future.
I have the weekend off and am trying to wake up to enjoy it. Only got 3 hours of sleep, probably won't last long. I will be out cold on the couch before long.
The race is tonight and we are going to Agate Beach tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to that. Got the picnic food already, just have to get the rock hunting paraphanalia together. I have a list and have been adding to it, so we should forget anything.
The latest 'drama' at work is something I can actually write about. Krystal eloped a while back and told everyone she was having a 'white gown ceremony' this summer. The invitation to the 'white gown ceremony' was tacked to the bulletin board at the nurses station. The invitation disappeared and then another one was gone the next day. At least she didn't put up a third, guess she figured it out after two, really thought there would be another though, wouldn't have been at all surprised if there's another one there when I get to work next. She's got her panties in a bunch trying to figure out who shredded her invitation. What I want to know is how does she KNOW it was shredded. Could the first one have fallen off and gotten ruined and subsequently tossed and then another one put up there and b/c of the fuss she made about the first one some one tossed the second? If it weren't such a 'big deal' to her and such a drama with her pulling us all aside and one of the nurses telling her 'even if I did care, why would I take it down?' after Krystal told at least one CENA that she knows this nurse destroyed the invitation b/c according to Krystal the nurse doesn't like her. Another CENA told her 'you not going to have friends everywhere you go' when she was cross examined and my response was I'm 'not keeping track your stuff.' Okay, so here's my take on the whole thing. WHO REALLY CARES? The invitation looked like a cut and paste job that was done by a first grader by hand (not on a computer) and it was the cheesiest invitation to anything I've ever read. AND if a couple elopes, they are forgoing any reception and should NOT expect gifts at a later date b/c now it's convenient for them to include the rest of the world in their marriage. AND I'M SAYING THIS AS SOMEONE WHO HAD A WEDDING WITH JUST ME, MY HUSBAND & HIS BEST FRIEND. If you have a 'wedding' at a later date aren't you really saying that the first one didn't count? Really, the whole idea seems a bit 'give me gifts, give me money' to me. BUT THAT'S JUST MY OPINION, IT SHOULDN'T MATTER TO ANYONE ELSE B/C THEY ARE ENTITLED TO THEIRS TOO! (That's my disclaimer Krystal, don't get all huffy and in my face about any of this, get a life and stop playing house, grow up!) Okay, enough on the subject. No wait, one more thought: I saw her husband skateboarding in front of the Holiday station yesterday when I was on my way to my hair appointment. SKATEBOARDING? REALLY? HOW OLD ARE YOU? DON'T YOU HAVE A JOB OR ANYTHING BETTER TO DO WITH YOUR DAY BESIDES RIDING UP AND DOWN THE SIDEWALKS OF DOWNTOWN ONTONAGON? Okay, enough on the Krystal and (sorry can't think of his name).
It's a beautiful day, I wish I were more awake to enjoy it.
In the background I'm listening to Jeremy listen to 'Uncle John's Bathroom Reader' promo by some guy on YouTube. Another book full of useless information/facts/and other junk we don't need to know.
Oh, Brooke finally had her baby. They took him by c-section yesterday. 7 # .5 oz. Owen George, just as previously announced. I'm sure she will have pictures on the bulletin board (let's hope they don't 'disappear!') and she will have him in sharing him with all of us.
Oh, according to Terri, (and she would know) Jeannine is coming back. More drama. I had forgotten how much drama she added to the day. I wonder if she'll be days or will actually have to take an afternoon shift.
Okay, I'm going to do some serious dubbing online. Missed out on it last night before work and this morning after work b/c something was wrong & I don't know what to do to make it work. If the link doesn't work, I'm sunk, and have to wait for Jeremy to fix it.
Sunday, July 5, 2009

Twenty five years ago, The King, Richard Petty won his 200th race. President Regan was there to congratulate him. He, The King (not Regan, he's dead) played a big part in the pre-race festivities. Here is a replica car that he drove around the track today. And above is of a really good picture of The King that was taken today.

Thankfully the safer barrier and the
COT keeps everyone safe!
It would be bad if someone were
to get hurt. Yes, I'd feel bad if it were Kyle.
Just 'cause I don't like the dude doesn't mean I
want him to get hurt/die. It would make him
one of those people who are always talked
about and wonder what could have been.
Which would only make me like him even less.
Got another strip done on the afghan for Marcus. It keeps reminding me of white frosting with blue writing/decoration on it.
Huge accident at the end of the 4th of July Daytona Coke Zero 400. Will look for photos to post, it was pretty spectacular. I wish I could have watched it. Will have to find out when they are replaying it. Couldn't find anything on the ESPN channels or Speed. Did find bowling though. And people complain about watching cars drive in circles! What about watching someone else bowl? It's bad enough watching everyone else bowl when you're bowling with them, why would you put yourself voluntarily thru that?
Okay, I'm off to find pictures of the wrecks from the 400.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
I'm ready for a good stiff drink! What a night, it was rough. Of course I can't go into details, but the full moon isn't until the 7th and we are in trouble if it gets worse than last night.
Nothing else to report. I feel bad for Jeremy, I was pretty cranky with him on the phone earlier. I know he knows I wasn't mad at him, but it's still not fair to him.
Okay, going to find a stiff drink and going to bed.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Things are going well, but I feel stressed nontheless. Money will do that to you. We can always return pop bottles if it comes down to that.
I finished an afghan for Leah's baby shower. It's the one that Jeremy calls 'cookies & cream.' I also started a new one for Marcus. It's in the style that Grandma used but nowhere near what she would have done in her later years. I stopped the zig zag one b/c it wasn't soft and fluffy. I don't like how it feels.
Bruce & Julie are holding a baby shower for Leah, Freddie & Marcus on the 11th. I'm not sure if we will go or not. Don't know if I'm up to that yet.
It's raining in Daytona. So far rain has messed with every race this year. Joey won last week the race was called b/c of rain but a win is a win anyway you get it.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
As Seen on TV
The Pedi Paws ~ Our dogs are afraid it. They don't mind it when it's not on, but when it turns on they bolt. We tried getting them used to it, they are fine so long as it's not turned on. I'm pretty sure Tracy would even gnaw on it if we let her, but if it accidentally turned on, she would be completely freaked out.
Soft & Smooth ~ The hair removal system. It's like using sandpaper. I remember in 8th grade when we were making wooden key holders in shop class. The thing I remember most was the endless sanding. We would bring the piece of wood to the teacher and he would pencil where it needed to be sanded more. This is just like that. You think you're finished and you run your hand over the skin and nope, there's more to do still. Maybe if I didn't have two day's worth of stubble? I have just as smooth skin with shaving and it's so much quicker.
Watering Bulbs ~ They work okay. As they are supposed to. The problem with them is I forget to fill them so the plant still gets droopy and looks like it's about to die before I remember to water it. The plant is outside now and nature's doing a much better job keeping it alive than I do in the house.